​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
Tiny Turtles (2's)
Our Tiny Turtle two-year-old program is a loving, nurturing class that encourages learning basic social and academic skills while having fun. We build on a foundation that God’s love for them is so BIG! We experience Bible stories through creative role play, sign language to encourage communication, and basic exposure to colors, numbers, shapes and letters.

Wiggly Worms (3's)
As a Wiggly Worm your child will enjoy learning their numbers, letters, colors and shapes. We also focus on pencil grip, scissor skills, and socialization. We love reading a variety of children's book and base our activities and lesson plans around their themes. The teachers use one-on-one learning with each student as well as guided small groups. We also use music and play to further learning in our classroom.

Busy Bees (3's)
The Busy Bee class is our 3 day three-year-old program. We integrate learning with hands-on activities. The children are introduced to colors, shapes, numbers and letters as well as social interaction and cooperation. The Busy Bees learn scissor safety and skills, tracing, name recognition, and fine motor development. Lots of singing, silliness and fun learning through centers and crafts.

Blue Birds (Pre-K/ 4's)
The Blue Bird class is for our youngest Pre-K students. We work on recognizing upper and lower case letters, letter sounds and numbers. Additionally, we have hands-on learning activities, free play, and small group guided learning. We love using Action Based Learning activities and technology in our classroom. We also put an emphasis on social skills such as sharing, manners and kindness.
Fireflies (Pre-K)
The Fireflies class loves learning! We use Handwriting Without Tears to assist in writing our ABC’s and numbers. We integrate thematic units that spark the children’s interest and strengthen them in all areas of academics in a fun way. We introduce sight words and focus on play based learning, all in a positive, loving atmosphere.

Leap Frogs (Pre-K)
In our classroom we use Handwriting Without Tears to master the alphabet and numbers 1-20. We also use reading groups and weekly sight words to develop reading skills. In the Leap Frog class everyone has a job. The teacher's job is to teach and love our students while the student's job is to learn and love one another. We love to learn using a variety of centers, manipulatives, and hands-on activities. We encourage students to express their creativity through crafting and individual projects.

Reader Rabbits (Kindergarten)
Blessed Beginnings Kindergarten class is designed to engage our students in active hands on learning accompanied by a strong Saxon phonics and Saxon math curriculum. Within our classroom we strive to build community, while still recognizing and encouraging individual strengths and personalities as we play, explore and learn. In all that we do our heartfelt goal is to display and invest God's love. We look forward to meeting and learning with your child.

Busy Bodies PE
At Blessed Beginnings the Physical Education class plays a strong part in a child’s development. We base our class off of the Spark Physical Education Curriculum. Throughout the year each class will go through a series of units based on balance, running, ball handling skills and many more. Students will also learn various skills such as team work and positive sportsmanship. P.E. is a fun place for a child to learn new games and activities to keep them moving and active.

In our Music class, we use and expand on lessons from Alfred's Music for Little Mozarts curriculum. We learn about basic musical concepts such as high and low sounds, fast and slow tempi, loud and soft sounds and steady beat. The children enjoy lots of activities including singing, moving to music, listening, and even playing different musical instruments.

All of Blessed Beginnings meets in the Worship Center every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 am for Chapel. We start by reciting the pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag, and Bible. We sing some fun, interactive praise songs, hear a story from the Bible, and end with the Lord's Prayer. There is also a monthly Bible verse that the whole school learns together in Chapel. The Bible verse is taught using sign language and incorporated in the classrooms as well. Chapel is a sweet and a fun time for the entire school to be together. It is such a blessing to hear little voices worshiping God!